If you are interested in the economy of colonial America
listen to two recent episodes of Liz Covart’s Ben Franklin’s World: The Revolutionary Economy and The Politics of Tea. Of course, the politics of tea is
about the economics of tea.
If you want to know about the economic divergence between
Western Europe and the Middle East listen to Jared Rubin discuss his recent
book on Garreth Petersen’s Economics
If, on the other hand, you are interested in listening to
two intellectual historians who do not know anything about public
choice theory discuss a book about public choice theory by another intellectual
historian who does not know anything about public choice theory you should definitely
check out Andrew Hartman and Ray Haberski discussing Nancy McLean’s Democracy
in Chains on
Trotsky and the Wild Orchids
Thank you for calling attention to Ben Franklin's World and its episode about the politics, or economics, of tea in revolutionary America.