I was referred to the other day in a conversation on
Twitter between Adam Ozimek and Marshall Steinbaum about economic history and
the New History of Capitalism (NHC). I don’t know either of them, though I did like
Econ Talk with Russ Roberts. Steinbaum asserted that NHC is really the way
to go, that NHC people are not playing fast and loose with evidence, and that “Economic history is constrained by methodological
narrow-mindedness and thus circumscribed,” whereas “HoC actually entertains arguments that simply don't get a
hearing in Econ, thanks to ideology,” He also claimed that the competence and honesty of
econ is in question and that my response to Cowie is just more economist
overreaction to “apt criticism.” Ozimek wanted someone to argue with Steinbaum.
Twitter isn’t really well suited for argument; a real argument should have at
least clear claims and evidence. Moreover, I haven’t seen any indication that
the NHC people are interested in real argument.
In the interest of real argument, however, I will try
to make clear the evidence behind my claims about NHC. The other day I claimed
that “The primary features of the
new history of capitalism seem to be hostility toward economics (including
economic historians), ignorance or disregard of the work done by economic
historians, and a willingness to play fast and loose with numbers.”
Perhaps someone can explain
why these examples do not represent a problem with the NHC and then provide
specific examples of how methodological narrow-mindedness and ideology are
constraining economic historians. Later I’ll try to make the positive case for
economic history.
Hostility Toward Economics:
Introduction, Zakim
and Kornblith Capitalism Takes Command
page 5: “The cliometric habits of
economic historians are a case in point, for they consistently flatten the
history of market society by “bracketing” whatever proves too difficult to
integrate into a quantifiable universe of price series, wage averages, or
productivity regressions. Long arcs of development resting on “data”
retrofitted into axiomatic categories of growth or stagnation, invariably
result in highly cogent patterns of secular change. The revolutionary
disruptions essential to “capitalism” reorganization of society―conflicts over
the very forms of capital and their legitimacy, or the political negotiation
over the boundaries of property rights and contractual obligations, or concern
over the effects of competition on the civic life of the polis―are then
dismissed as exogenous to the organic logic of exchange, and so irrelevant to a
history of the economy. That is why studies in economic history so often
reproduce capitalist ideology itself, separating economic activity out from the
murky realms of the unmeasureable and assigning it an autonomous operating
Baptist page 72 of Capitalism takes Command: “the evidence strongly suggests that –left
to their own devices –neither economists nor the banking dynasts they often
serve have learned the lessons of the past.”
And of course one
can refer to Cowie’s essay. None of these claims are backed by specific cases.
the Work of Economic Historians:
Baptist claims that
economists and historians have accepted the claim that slavery was inefficient.
One of his primary claims in Half Has
Never is that he shows, contrary to what all these economists believe, that slave owners
were profit seekers and slavery was dynamic capitalist system. Thanks to
surveys conducted by Bob Whaples it is demonstrably false that economic historians
believed that slavery was an inefficient pre-capitalist system. Baptist can
only make the claim by disregarding the mountain of work produced by economic
historians, going back to Conrad and Meyer in 1958.
Beckert writes about
slavery without referring to Fogel and about the use of force in spreading
markets without citing Findlay and O’Rourke.
Hyman on p. 27 of Borrow cites Pete Daniel “Shadow of
Slavery” that debt peonage trapped sharecroppers in “grueling oppressive lives”
but does not cite the seminal work of Ransom and Sutch on debt peonage.
Fast and Loose With Numbers:
Julia Ott, When Wall Street Met Main
Street, first page of the first chapter: "Severe financial panics in 1873 and
1893 punctuated a prolonged economic depression, as prices, profits, per capita
output and productivity growth fell steadily from 1873 to 1896." Not
true. If you don’t already know that this isn’t true see measuringworth.com
Louis Hyman page 18
Borrow: The American Way of Debt “Though a national bank was founded in
1791, its first incarnation lasted only forty years as Jacksonian populism
triumphed over federalism.” There were two separate banks. You can see the physical
evidence of this if you visit Philadelphia.
Here is Edward
Baptist’s nonsense exercise in national income accounting:
“here’s a back- of- the –envelope accounting of
cotton’s role in the US economy in the era of slavery expansion. In 1836, the
total amount of economic activity―the value of all the goods and services
produced―in the United States was about $1.5 billion. Of this, the value of the
cotton crop itself, total pounds multiplied by average price per pound―$77
million―was about 5 percent of that entire gross domestic product. This
percentage might seem small, but after subsistence agriculture, cotton sales
were the largest single source of value in the American economy. Even this
number, however, barely begins to measure the goods and services directly
generated by cotton production. The freight of cotton to Liverpool by sea,
insurance and interest paid on commercial credit―all would bring the total to
more than $100 million (see Table 4.1).
come the second- order effects that comprised the goods and services necessary
to produce cotton. There was the purchase of slaves―perhaps $40 million in 1836
alone, a year that made many memories of long marches forced on stolen people.
Then there was the purchase of land, the cost of credit for such purchases, the
pork and the corn bought at the river landings, the axes that the slaves used to
clear land and the cloth they wore, even the luxury goods and other spending by
the slaveholding families. All of that probably added up to about $100 million
Third order effects, the hardest to calculate,
included the money spent by millworkers and Illinois hog farmers, the wages
paid to steamboat workers, and the revenues yielded by investments made with
the profits of the merchants, manufacturers, and slave traders who derived some
or all of their income either directly or indirectly from the southwestern
fields. These third order effects would also include the dollars spent and
spent again in communities where cotton related trades made a significant
impact another category of these effects is the value of foreign goods imported
on credit sustained the opposite flow of cotton. All these goods and
services might have added up to $200 million. Given the short term of most
commercial credit in 1836, each dollar “imported” for cotton would be turned
over about twice a year: $400 million. All told more than $600 million, or
almost half of the economic activity in the United States in 1836, derived
directly or indirectly from cotton produced by the million odd slaves― 6
percent of the total US population―who in that year toiled in labor camps on
slavery’s frontier.”
Again, the biggest
problem is not that he does not understand national income accounting (he
obviously does not); the biggest problem is that he is just making up numbers.
Both Baptist and
Beckert note that cotton was the majority of U.S. exports, but do not note that
exports were a small part of the American economy.
Olmstead and Rhode
presented extensive analysis of the NHC misuse of quantification in a paper presented
at the Cliometric Society session at ASSA. Anyone really interested in the topic
should contact them about their working paper on the topic.
In the end, my problem with the new history of
capitalism isn’t so much the bad economics as it is the bad history. What makes
for good history? There are actually a lot of things that go into making good
history, but I think that the most essential is a critical approach to sources,
both primary and secondary. History majors at University of Mary Washington
take a two course sequence in historical methods. The first course focuses on
historiography. The second course focuses on the use of primary sources. The
new historians of capitalism need to retake both.
I have no problem
with legitimate criticism of economics or economic history. I have been known
to criticize them myself. See, for instance, here.
And if you think I am some right wing ideologue that hates the NHC people
because they criticize capitalism, see here
and here
for my response to free market economists who misuse history. The difference
between my criticism of economics, economic history or NHC and their criticism of economic history is that I point to a
specific problem, provide evidence that it exists, and show that the problem
has led to erroneous conclusions. The NHC critiques of economics provide no
What are the important questions or topics are economic historians
are not working on because of ideology or methodological narrowness? Is it
slavery and coercion? See Fogel or Fenoaltea. Corruption? See Wallis. The use of state power? See Findlay and O’Rourke.
The importance of ideas? Take a look at Mokyr or McCloskey. Inequaltiy? See
Lindert. The development of financial markets and dealing with risk? Where do I
even begin? You could claim that economic historian's methods limit the answers they can arrive, but, as I pointed out earlier, many of the conclusions are the same ones NHC is now taking credit for.
Finally, I should note that the nature of the NHC claims about
economic history make them virtually immune to real argument. After all, how can you believe anything I say when I am obviously just speaking for the banking dynasts
that I serve?
Hi Brad,
ReplyDeleteI am greatly enjoying your commentary on the history of capitalism writings--learning a lot from your posts.
Thanks for your work on this.
John Murray
You're welcome. Thank you for the great roundtable review of The Half Has Never Been told that you put together for JEH.