I found the initial reactions to Piketty’s Capital interesting because assessments
of the empirical analysis seemed to line up immediately on ideological grounds
before anyone had a serious opportunity to evaluate so much evidence. People on
the right were certain it was wrong; people on the left were sure that it was
right. Both were clearly basing their conclusions on what they wanted to be
true. This was particularly clear in the uncritical use of his work by the New
Historians of Capitalism. See this video (41 minutes in) where Jefferson
Cowie says how bad Piketty is as a historian and follows that with how he still
uses his numbers blindly. What ever happened to critical evaluation of the
evidence? In NHC it has been replaced by the ability to repeat clever
phrases like “tyranny of the market” and “cash nexus.”
Enough of my rant against NHC. Capital was a big book; it takes time to
really evaluate the empirical work in such a book. Well, time has passed, and some
of that work has now been done. In general, it does not seem to support Piketty.
Richard Sutch challenges the
reliability of many of the estimates for the U.S.
Carlos Goes fails to find
empirical support for the central hypothesis about inequality and capitalist
Does this mean that Capital was a bad book? I don’t know. Some big idea
books are serious efforts to make sense of the available information. Sometimes
they turn out to been wrong in fundamental ways. I think examples of this might
be Doug North’s Economic Growth of the United States
(overemphasis on trade, especially, interregional
trade), Fogel and Engerman’s Time
on the Cross (underestimated use of coercion and overestimated nutrition), and Pomeranz’s
Great Divergence (divergence appears to have started earlier than Pomeranz thought). All of
these were reasonable attempts to make sense of the available information, but they
prompted a lot of research which ultimately contradicted at least some of their
conclusions. All of these authors, while not necessarily accepting all the
critiques of their work, acknowledged when subsequent evidence persuasively
contradicted their earlier interpretations. The ultimate test for Piketty will
be how he responds to the critiques of his work that have provided more
evidence on inequality over time.
In any case, if Piketty’s analysis of inequality is flawed, what should
you read. I would suggest Lindert and Williamson’s Unequal Gains: American Growth an Inequality. The book is very dense with descriptions of how the estimates were developed. If you are short on time you can get a preview at VOX or read Vincent Geloso’s review at Essays in Economic and Business History.
I'm going to cop to basically cribbing your post!