Historically Thinking Al Zambone talks to Sharon Ann Murphy about her book Other People’s Money: How Banking Worked in the Early American Republic
The Economic History Podcast is relatively new but has several episodes up now including one with Lisa Cook talking about racial violence, innovations. The Planet Money episode with Dr. Cook is also very good.
Coffee with Cornelius, podcast with Cornelius Christian, has several episodes with economic historians. You can watch his youtube channel or get the audio from a variety of places like itunes or google
Gregory Clark on genetics and the Industrial Revolution
Anton Howes on the Industrial Revolution
Mark Koyama on religious persecution and state capacity
Charles Calomiris on the political economy of banking
James Pethokoukis Political Economy Podcast has recent episodes with
Anton Howes
Nicholas Crafts
Doug Irwin
He also has an episode with Dietz Vollrath about growth
Parsing Science has an episode with Trevon Logan on How Black Politicians Matter at The Question Lane and
Conversations with Tyler has recent episodes with Nathan Nunn and Mellissa Dell on persistence,