I have pre-ordered a copy of Ages of American Capitalism: A History of the
United States but it does not ship until the 20th.
Consequently, my first impression is based upon excerpts of the book that are publicly
available. The publishers
page for the book provides a very extensive (more than 180 pages) preview; click on Look Inside. You can also preview scattered parts at the book’s
Google Books page.
I'll admit that Levy’s previous work has tended to leave me thinking that
his reach often exceeds his grasp, sometimes by too much. I find his goals
interesting, but then end up shaking my head at the results. He writes a book
about how Americans dealt with economic risk in the nineteenth century. That
sounds interesting. But he begins by claiming that what we think of as risk didn’t
exist before the 19th century. It is easy to find examples prior to 1800
of people writing about risk in the same way that we do now. He tries to
develop a definition of capital and capitalism for use in the history of
capitalism, building on the work of Thorstein Veblen, but he confuses Veblen’s
references to pecuniary magnates with the notion of a pecuniary magnet. In his
latest book Ages of American Capitalism Levy seeks to provide a new
American economic history. He states that what has been lacking in the New
History of Capitalism (NHC) is engagement with economics, but he also wants to
take a broad view of economics, incorporating politics and culture. Sounds good.
So, how did it turn out in Ages of American Capitalism?
Levy’s conceptual framework is central to the book and one of
the merits of the book is that he makes it explicit from the start. The
introduction presents three theses about the essential features of American
capitalism, the first of which provides his definition of capital.
Thesis #1: “Rather than a physical factor of production, a
thing, capital is a process through which a legal asset is invested with
pecuniary value in light of its capacity to yield a pecuniary profit.”
Thesis #2 “Capital is defined by the quest for pecuniary
profit. Without capitals habitual quest for pecuniary gain there is no
capitalism. But the profit motive of capitalists has never been enough to drive
economic history, not even the history of capitalism.”
Thesis #3 The history of capitalism is a never-ending conflict
between short term propensity to hoard and the long term propensity to invest. This
conflict holds the key to explaining many of the dynamics of capitalism over
time, including its periods of long term economic development and growth, and
its repeating booms and busts.”
His definition of capital is crucial because “capital is the
framework employed to make sense of economy and economic change.” Its not obvious why it is better to have
capital refer to the process rather than the asset that has gone through the
process. It seems awkward to me, but its not my biggest concern.
Levy presents his view of capital as an alternative to the
economic approach that defines “capital as a physical factor of production” declaring
that this “is far too narrow a definition of capital.” As an economist Levy’s
claims about how economists use the term capital are just puzzling. It doesn’t
require much familiarity with economics to know that economists use the word
capital in multiple ways. Levy has taken just one of the ways the word is used
by economists and does not seem to have fully understood that one way. In
models of economic growth economists typically use capital to refer to inputs that
were produced in the past. This definition of capital as a factor of production
includes factories and equipment as Levy suggests but also things like roads
and bridges. Moreover, capital as a factor of production is not just material
things. Both physical capital and human capital are included. More to the point, capital as a factor of
production is just one of the ways economists use the term capital. Economists
also write about capital requirements for banks, international capital flows,
and capital asset pricing. When economists talk about capital flight, they are
not referring to people dismantling factories, packing up equipment and
shipping them out of the country. They are talking about financial flows. The
capital account refers specifically to financial flows as opposed to the
current account which measure goods and services. None of these are about
capital as a factor of production; in fact, they about the sort of assets with
a capacity to yield a profit that Levy wants to consider. Economists have, in
fact, long studied the sort of the valuation of assets based upon their
expected future returns that Levy seems to be describing.
Although these multiple uses of the term capital may be
confusing, especially for non-economists, none of them can simply be discarded.
He says capital as a factor of production is too restrictive, but it is intended
for a specific purpose, a very important one: the analysis of economic growth
as measured by increases in real output. Increases in output can come from
either increases in inputs or increases in productivity (getting more output
from a given amount of inputs). This sounds obvious. If you produced more
output either you used more inputs or you got more output from the same amount
of inputs. Although obvious it is very important to keep in mind.
Levy wants instead to build a theory of economic development
based largely on his reading of Keynes, emphasizing the psychological aspects
of Keynes. Liquidity preference is also
central to his framework, but again in ways that are somewhat confusing to an
economist. Specifically, he wants to insist that liquidity refers primarily to
the ability of an asset to store value rather than the ability to either use it
as a medium of exchange or quickly convert it to a medium of exchange. The
latter attribute is what economists generally mean by liquidity. I could
provide examples illustrating why they are distinct concepts; however, Levy acknowledges
that they are distinct and potentially independent yet chooses to insist that
liquidity refers to both attributes.
Why does he care so much about liquidity? Although he does
not want to use capital to refer to the factor of production that is produced
in order to produce more in the future, he is very concerned with what I would
call physical capital. My reading of Levy’s second and third theses together is
that he thinks that a preference for holding wealth in a liquid form needs to
be overcome to get capitalists to put their assets in things like new farms and
factories etc. That this something extra can come from government or culture or
both, but it tends to come and go in booms and busts, and growth is a result of
the booms. I think there is a lot to this as a story of American economic
history, business cycles are certainly one of the central features of American
economic history, but I think this story is missing important elements as well.
Levy doesn’t just drop the use of the term capital to refer
to a factor of production he drops the framework for understanding economic growth
that goes with the conception of capital as a factor of production. In his Business
History Review paper on Capital as Process Levy cited Solow’s Contribution
to the Theory of Economic Growth when explaining that “aggregate production
functions began to consist of two physical factors of production, capital and
labor, which mechanistically combined to produce a physical output.” But he missed
the point: “the Solow growth model is most useful for us as a framework laying out
the general issues and questions. It emphasizes that to understand growth, we have
to understand physical capital accumulation (and human capital accumulation, which
will be discussed in the next chapter) and perhaps most importantly, technological
progress (Acemoglu Introduction to Modern Economic Growth.” Technological
progress here is understood very broadly as anything that increases
productivity. It can be reflected in better machines, but also better plants,
better animals, better organization, etc. Estimates by economic historians
support the need to look at increases in capital and technological progress.
Here are recent estimates by Broadberry
and de Pleijt for a much longer time in England
Here are similar estimates for the 19th century
U.S. from Bob Gallman in The Cambridge Economic History of the United States
Both in Levy’s introduction, where he lays out his
conceptual framework, and in the parts of the book that I have read technological
progress does not appear as a central concern. Yet for economists studying
economic growth or for economic historians studying long term change
technological progress is a central concern. Ironically, it was also central to
many of the economists that Levy claims to have been influenced by. For Marx “The
bourgeoisie cannot exist without constantly revolutionizing the instruments of production,
and thereby the relations of production, and with them the whole relations of
society.” Or Schumpeter: “The fundamental impulse that sets and keeps the
capitalist engine in motion comes from the new consumer goods, the new methods
of production or transportation, the new markets, the new forms of industrial
organization that capitalist enterprise creates.” (Chapter 7 Capitalism, Socialism
and Democracy) Schumpeter even emphasized the importance of finance to
innovation, and a number of economists and historians have made this a central
theme in their research.
For instance, here is a passage from the introduction using
Ford to illustrate Levy’s theory
The expansion of production is attributed to the ability to
overcome liquidity preference, the willingness to invest in a fixed physical
factor of production. Many economic historians would have emphasized Ford’s
obsession with standardization and how that enabled he and his engineers to
develop moving assembly line production. It wasn’t just about building a bigger
plant; the key was building a better plant. Productivity improvement appears to
be assumed as an underlying condition in Levy’s framework. If people invest in
fixed factors of production, growth will come. I think this is also reflected
in the fact that there does not seem to be much context provided for the
American story. Levy begins the story with mercantilism and British imperial
policies as the force that provided the confidence to invest in land and slaves,
but he does not put American economic history in the context of the emergence
of modern economic growth around the same time that America was being settled. In
contrast, recent economic history textbooks, like Walton and Rockoff do place
the U.S in the context of the broader issue of the emergence of modern economic
The passage raises other questions about Levy’s framework as
well. Specifically, the assembly plant and other Ford facilities were illiquid
for the Ford Motor Company. Henry Ford’s investments were, however, illiquid by
choice, not necessity. Ford chose not to go public until the 1950s. How do Levy’s
explanations regarding preferences for liquidity play out through corporations.
One of the primary benefits of corporate form is asset shielding, the ability to
keep the assets of the corporation legally distinct from the assets of the
shareholders. Why would an individual investor in a publicly traded corporation
be concerned about the liquidity of the corporation’s assets? Why would management?
It may be that the story still works but it is not obvious. I’ll be curious to see
how he deals with in the 20th century parts of the book.
So, there are things that I would do differently than Levy.
That, of course does not necessarily mean that Levy’s choices were wrong. There
are, however, some things in the book that are wrong. The primary problem I had
with much of the early work in the New History of Capitalism was not about methods
or conceptual framework it was about things that were wrong, things that were contrary
to readily available evidence. Of course, in any 900-page book mistakes will be
made, but at some point, they can become numerous enough and egregious enough to
present a problem. I was not fact checking every page or even searching for
factual errors, but I could not help but notice some.
This is a map of trade around 1750.
Unfortunately, any map of trade with North America in the mid-1700s
that does not include tobacco from Virginia and sugar from the West Indies
going to England is probably doing more harm than good. Findlay and O’Rourke Power
and Plenty (2007) 234-235 has very detailed tables of trade in the years
leading up to the revolution if you are interested. To give credit where credit
is due, I think they may credit McCusker and Menard.
Page 41 “In 1607 the Virginia Company brought roughly six
thousand settlers to the Jamestown colony.” Roughly is doing an awful lot of work
here; the number of settlers was 105. I still cannot imagine how this ended up
in the book and how no one noticed it.
On page 225 “Half of all U.S. railroad corporations tumbled
into bankruptcy” and a few pages later “During the 1890s, no less than one-third
of the U.S. railroad sector was placed in bankruptcy.” People often use the
word bankruptcy to refer to insolvency including insolvent railroads, but for
most of the nineteenth century there was no bankruptcy law in the U.S. You could
not declare bankruptcy or be put in bankruptcy. Even when there was a
bankruptcy law railroads tended to go into receivership because unlike
bankruptcy receivership tended to be directed at maintaining the railroad as a going
operation. I care about this more than most people (see Hansen,
Bradley. "The people's welfare and the origins of corporate
reorganization: The Wabash receivership reconsidered." The Business
History Review (2000): 377-405.) but what really caught my attention was the
numbers. They are wrong.
This is from H.H. Swain Economic Aspects of Railroad Receivership
The next two might not bother some people but they are kind of pet peeves of mine.
On page 15 he points
to Hobbes description in Leviathan of mankind driven by “a perpetual and
restless desire of power after power that ceaseth only in death,” as a
reflection of the belief that But Hobbes is not the appropriate citation for belief
in unlimited desires because he goes on to explain that “the cause of this is,
is not always that a man hopes for a more intensive delight than he has already
attained to; or that he cannot be content with a moderate amount of power; but
because he cannot assure the power and means to live well, which he hath at
present without the acquisition of more.” As a description of infinite human
desires. But Hobbes point was exactly the opposite. He went on to explain that “the
cause of this is, is not always that a man hopes for a more intensive delight
than he has already attained to; or that he cannot be content with a moderate
amount of power; but because he cannot assure the power and means to live well,
which he hath at present without the acquisition of more.” The perpetual
pursuit of power was not driven by unlimited desires; it was driven by the situation,
which Hobbes viewed as essentially the same as a multi-person Prisoners’
On page 40 he
describes Malthus theory and then notes that it is “no wonder the Scottish
historian Thomas Carlyle in 1850 branded political economy the dismal science.”
Carlyle labeled economics the dismal science in his 1849 Occasional Discourse
on the Negro Question; he did so because many economists opposed slavery, which
Carlyle believed should be reintroduced into the West Indies.
So I have concerns bout the conceptual framework and was struck by some surprising errors, but there are things that I liked. I like that he tries to
create a coherent narrative of American economic development rather than just examining
a bunch of separate topics or events without trying to connect them in any way.
I like that he shows how colonists adapted rather than adopted English
institutions, building on recent work by people like Claire Priest. I like that
Levy seems to take a Lindstrom/Mayer view of early American development, emphasizing
the importance of intraregional trade in early American development. This
contrasts with much NHC writing on slavery that still cited North’s model of interregional
trade without any reference to the research contradicting the model. In addition, he notes at several points that
although international trade was important to many people it nevertheless accounted
for a relatively small share of total production.
So where does this leave me regarding whether Levy’s reach
exceeded his grasp by too much in Ages of Capitalism? Undecided. I still have over 700 pages to
read. I said this was a first impression. It is going to depend on the extent
to which he was able to make productive use of his framework and the extent to
which he was able to keep the errors within reason.