The latest issue of History Now from the Gilder
Lehrman Institute is about the history of the blues and jazz. It has this nice
list of links to music.
There has been a lot of discussion recently about
state capacity and the evolution of norms. I think it is safe to say many
economist historians regard both as essential to understanding long run
economic performance.
On state capacity, here is Koyama on Salter on Johnson and Koyama. And here is Koyama on Political Decentralization and Innovation
in early modern Europe and The Economist covers the work of
Anderson, Johnson and Koyama on poor harvests and violence.
On the evolution of norms:
Pseudoerasmus “Where Do Pro-Social Institutions Come
From?” originally published as a blog post but recently published on Evonomics.
Peter Turchin writes that
Evolution is a new interdisciplinary field whose intellectual roots go back
only to the 1970s (unless, of course, you count Charles Darwin; but in a sense
any new development in evolutionary science can be traced to Darwin). In this
new field, “culture” is defined as information, which can affect human
behavior, that is socially transmitted—through books and manuals, by teaching,
or simply by observing and imitation. Cultural variants are information packages
that cause people to behave in alternative ways. Cultural Evolution, then,
studies how and why frequencies of cultural variants change with time, just as
biological evolution focuses on the changing frequencies of genetic variants.”
Of course North placed a great deal of
emphasis on the importance of changing beliefs (especially in Structure and Change
and later works) but this also reminds me of Veblen, who argued that “institutions
are, in substance, prevalent habits of thought with respect to particular
relations and to particular functions of the individual and of the community” and
that "the evolution of society is substantially a process of mental
adaption on the part of individuals under the stress of circumstances which
will no longer tolerate habits of thought formed under and conforming to
circumstances in the past." He argued that these prevalent habits of
thoughts influenced both the objectives that people sought to achieve and the
means that they perceived to achieve them. Consequently, their evolution should
be the primary concern of economists.
In addition, Jared Rubin and Murat Iyigun
have a paper on the Ideological Roots of Institutional Change
BTW there is actually a connection between the first link and the last link in this post.